The exhibition was exhibition was inaugurated by Dr. L.N Bhagat, the Vice Chancellor of Ranchi University. Dr. Bhagat said that the holding of exhibition is a commendable step towards promoting protection and conservation of nature in the area and this can play a pivotal role in uniting the people and the community at large. Guest of Honor Mr Bulu Imam, a renowned environmentalist and nature-activist added that change can only be caused by an honest effort at the individual level. The inauguration was attended by about 600 people.
Also present was Dr NP Singh, the Chairman of SN Sinha Institute of Business Management. Dr. Singh stressed on the great efforts of SGI President Daisaku Ikeda to promote peace, culture and education in the world. He expressed his deep appreciation for President Ikeda’s efforts and remarkable contribution in creating a new wave of selfless, capable people working for world peace.
BSG members offered seeds of Amaltas, Gulmohar, Neem etc to each visitor and also, saplings to various schools of the city, which were provided by the Birsa Agricultural University and Environment department of C.C.L. The Vice chancellors of Utkal University, Odisha, VC of Birsa Agricultural University, Bureaucrats, Police Officers and high officials of CCL and several environmentalists visited the exhibition and appreciated the efforts of BSG.
Also worth special mention are the visits by Deepshikha, an organization supporting autistic children, and Cheshire Home, a home for physically challenged children. The exhibition touched their hearts and they felt great pleasure to watch the film “A Quiet Revolution”.
The exhibition was attended by over 9000 people from all walks of life.