The Exhibition ‘Seeds of Hope & Action (SOHA): Making the SDGs a Reality’ was held on 15th October 2022 at Ambience Public School, New Delhi. The exhibition was conducted on the eve of the school’s parent-teachers meeting. More than 100 parents, teachers and students viewed the exhibition.

The purpose of the exhibition was to raise awareness about the concept of sustainability and how one single individual can take action to bring about a change in their environment. The exhibition, divided into 5 sections namely – Inspire, Learn, Reflect, Empower, Act and Lead, also sought to emphasize about the interconnectedness between all lives, and how sustainable living can lead to the achievement of the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals.
The students of the school from Class X, presented the exhibition panels in their unique ways, and their presentation was well received by the viewers. They also shared their ideas and actions in which they are contributing to sustainability.
The Principal of the School, Ms. Himani Asija, encouraged and appreciated the efforts of the students, and the initiative of BSG to organize the exhibition, and further urged the students to consistently contribute to sustainability.
A few pictures are provided here.