BSG conducted the SOHA exhibition in the Industrial Training Institute (ITI), Nand Nagri for the students of its Multi Sectoral Development Program (MSDP).

The SOHA exhibition stresses our interconnectedness with the rest of the community of life and the need to broaden our sphere of compassion. It uses the formula of ‘Inspire, Learn, Reflect, Empower, Act & Lead ’ and encourages viewers to overcome feelings of powerlessness. The exhibition highlights the fact that one single individual can initiate positive change.
The exhibition panels were explained by the MSDP students of the institute, who strove to overcome their language limitations to passionately explain the panels. They felt empowered and resolved to lead through their own example, and initiate change. They also shared about how they learnt many aspects about the environment and nature. They collectively decided to take one small action of seeding a plant and nurturing it till it grows fully.
The Principal of the Institute, Ms. Kalpana Goyal, thanked BSG for the initiative to spread awareness in the institute, and the students for presenting the panels. She shared that the exhibition highlighted major concerns about the earth, and that it is important for each one of us to take steps ahead to create a healthy environment not only for ourselves but also for the future generations.
The exhibition was viewed by more than 300 students & teachers from the institute, who felt inspired to overcome powerlessness and take action in their lives. The viewers also shared that the exhibition was very useful, informative, and important for the present times.